What may and can I eat in ketosis? This is most likely the most common question asked by people who have just started ketogenic feeding and are now standing in front of the refrigerator or supermarket shelf.
The aim of this article is to answer this question. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to enter the ketogenic diet and to relieve you of a large part of the thought work, especially at the beginning of the change of diet.
Since you are only allowed to consume a maximum of 30 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day to get into ketosis, you should know exactly which foods and dishes you are allowed to eat – and which you should avoid.
To save you the trouble of doing your own research, we have summarized the most important aspects and rules of a sophisticated keto nutrition concept in this article. In the course of the next chapter and lines you will learn in detail how you can optimally start into ketosis with our Keto nutrition plan and quickly achieve results.
So let’s not waste any more time and start directly with the basics!
The ketogenic diet is a diet in which you largely do without carbohydrates and instead consume many healthy fats and increased proteins. Depending on how strictly you implement the ketogenic diet, you consume a maximum of between 20 and 50 grams of carbohydrates a day [1].
Those carbohydrates you avoid will be replaced by high quality fat that should make up about 75 percent of your total calories at the end of the day. By not using carbohydrates, you force your body to use fats instead of glucose as a primary source of energy – this metabolic state is also known as ketosis.
When your body is in ketosis, it produces and metabolises so-called ketone bodies. These molecules are produced by your liver as an alternative energy source when there is not enough glucose available.
Even if in popular belief fat should be avoided because of the high calorie density, countless studies by the most renowned universities in the world have proven that the ketogenic diet is not only healthier, but also one of the most effective and sustainable diets to sustainably lose weight and reduce fat [2].
One of the most important reasons for this is the reduced feeling of hunger, which you will feel in ketosis. This makes it much easier to fast intermittently, for example, or to refrain from eating individual meals [3].
The ketogenic diet is based on the scientifically proven fact that the renunciation of carbohydrates and the increased consumption of protein and healthy fats can contribute to the rapid and sustained reduction of excess weight and body fat.
Keto food: How to stay on top of things
At first glance, the switch to a ketogenic diet seems difficult, and without well-founded instructions one can quickly feel overwhelmed by the superficial complexity.
But it doesn’t have to be complicated: a sound keto diet plan and a list of the most important foods for ketogenic nutrition can help you keep track!
At the end of the day it’s all about not eating foods containing carbohydrates and replacing them with high-quality meat, vegetables and other low-carb foods.
Basically one can set up the following rule: The less carbohydrates you consume, the faster you get into ketosis.
Since every human being is different, ketosis occurs in some people from less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. Others may only eat a maximum of 20 grams of carbohydrates per day in the long term.
In order not to exceed these limits in the future, it is important to do without certain foods and drinks and to take others more to yourself. Here is a first overview:
Keto-friendly food (eat as much as you want!)
If you decide to implement the ketogenic diet, we recommend the following foods as part of our Keto diet plan:
- Eggs: Organic eggs from free-range hens are the best choice.
- Poultry: turkey, turkey, duck and chicken are optimal
- Fatty fish: wild salmon, herring and mackerel are recommended.
- meat: bovine, porcine, deer or organ meat from grass-fed animals
- Full-fat dairy products: Yoghurt, butter and cream are easy to eat
- full-fat cheese: cheddar, mozzarella, brie, goat cheese or cream cheese
- Nuts and seeds: Almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and all kinds of seeds
- Nut butter: natural peanut, almond, or cashew nut butter
- healthy fats: coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut butter or sesame oil
- Avocados: Whole avocados are an optimal snack or a part of the dish.
- Non-starchy vegetables: broccoli, tomatoes, mushrooms or paprika
- Spices: salt, pepper, lemon juice, fresh herbs, vinegar or spice mixes
Keto-damaging food (you should absolutely avoid it!)
You should definitely avoid these foods. Just as an example: A single scoop of ice can throw you completely out of ketosis…
- Bread & pastries: white bread, wholemeal bread, biscuits, pretzels or doughnuts
- Candy: sugar, ice cream, syrup, jelly babies or chocolate
- Sweetened drinks: lemonade, juices, sweetened teas or sports drinks
- Pasta dough: spaghetti, gnocchi, lasagne and all other types of pasta
- Products containing cereals: rice, oatmeal, muesli or tortillas
- starchy vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, peas or corn
- Beans & pulses: Black beans, chickpeas or lentils
- Fruits: lemons, bananas, apples, strawberries or pears
- Sauces: Barbecue sauces, sugar salad dressings or dips
- Alcoholic beverages: beer or mixed drinks containing sugar
Even if ketosis is based on the renunciation of carbohydrates, fruits with a low glycemic index (e.g. raspberries or blueberries) can be eaten in certain quantities.
On the other hand, fats are of course not the same as fats and certain categories of food or restaurants should all be avoided:
- Unhealthy fats: margarine, certain oils such as canola or cereal oil
- Industrially processed food: fast-food, hot dogs or packaged dishes
- Dietary foods: foods with colorants, aspartame, preservatives
Keto Beverages: What You Should Watch Out For
Drinks are the most difficult category right at the beginning. The reason for this is that it contains the most refreshing and delicious drinks to a large extent carbohydrates and sugars. If you decide on a ketogenic diet, you should always pay attention to the sugar content of the drinks you have been drinking regularly.
Sugar-containing drinks such as lemonades not only throw you out of ketosis, but are also responsible for a range of complaints, from obesity and diabetes to cardiovascular diseases [4, 5].
Thank God, on the other hand, there are also many drinks that you can enjoy in rough quantities without losing a single thought. That includes:
- Water: With or without carbonic acid an excellent refreshment
- Unsweetened coffee: Drink your coffee best without sugar but with cream.
- Unsweetened Green Tea: Tastes good and offers a number of advantages
If you want to add some taste to your drinks or water, you can come up with a number of keto-flavors tricks. My favorites are to add some lemon juice with mint to my water or use stevia instead of sugar.
Even if you should generally do without most types of alcohol, you can of course drink a small glass of dry red wine or low-carb drinks such as vodka or tequila on certain occasions.
A balanced diet plan for the ketogenic diet should include healthy fats, sufficient protein and few carbohydrates. Keto drinks should contain only minimal sugar.
Ketogenic diet: Your 7-day diet plan + 21 dishes At the beginning of the ketogenic diet two things are important:
First, an overview of which foods you are allowed to eat and which you should avoid. Second, a list of keto-safe dishes so you can always prepare a tasty meal without having to think long and hard.
The following keto diet plan offers you 21 delicious dishes over a week that you can easily cook yourself without much effort. We do the mental work for you and help you to get into ketosis faster.
If you stick to the dishes in this diet plan, your daily intake of carbohydrates will definitely remain below 50 grams. Alternatively, you can adapt individual ingredients to your needs and wishes or exchange dishes with each other or cook twice.
- Breakfast: Full-fat yoghurt with some protein muesli
- Lunch: Caesar salad with chicken breast fillet
- Dinner: Meatballs served with zucchini noodles and parmesan cheese
- Breakfast: Coconut-Chia-Pudding with walnuts and some raspberries
- Lunch: Mixed salad with hard eggs, avocado, cheese and turkey
- Dinner: Coconut chicken curry with a small salad
- Breakfast: Halved avocado with a fried egg and fresh cheese
- Lunch: steak with cauliflower rice, cheese, herbs and avocado
- Dinner: Pork chops with green vegetables
- Breakfast: Paprika stuffed with cheese and ham scrambled eggs
- Lunch: Rucola salad with blue cheese, hard eggs and avocados
- Dinner: Grilled salmon with spinach and parmesan cheese
- Breakfast: Two fried eggs with pasture butter and steamed spinach
- Lunch: Tuna salad with celery, tomatoes and green vegetables
- Dinner: Roasted chicken fillet with cream sauce and broccoli
- Breakfast: Mushroom omelette with tomato mozzarella salad
- Lunch: A breadless burger with cheese, mushrooms, avocado on a green salad
- Dinner: Bison Steak with Cheese-baked Broccoli
- Breakfast: Cauliflower toast au gratin with cheese and served with avocado
- Lunch: Breadless salmon burger with green pesto and a small salad
- Dinner: Mixed salad with goat cheese and roasted filet tips
What should come to your mind by now at the latest? The ketogenic diet can be incredibly tasty and also varied! You just need to have a good list of dishes and foods or a sophisticated keto diet plan that you can eat without a guilty conscience.
Even if many of the above dishes contain meat components, you can also implement the ketogenic diet vegetarian. Although this requires a greater degree of planning and preparation, it is otherwise possible without any problems.
If you take a more liberal approach to the ketogenic diet, you can add a dark chocolate or raspberries and blackberries to this diet plan here and there.
A ketogenic diet plan, like any other healthy diet, should include whole foods, high fiber foods and low carbohydrate vegetables. Use healthy fats such as coconut oil, olive oil and pasture butter to increase the fat content of your dishes.
15 Keto Snacks: Dishes you can eat between meals
Especially in the first days of the ketogenic diet, you may get a ravenous appetite for carbohydrates due to the metabolic change. To resist, you should be well prepared. The solution? Ketogenic snacks!
Here are some tasty and simple keto snacks for in between:
- Almonds with cheddar cheese
- Green paprika with dressing and avocado
- Celery with red pepper, cream cheese and cheese dip
- Coconut corners
- Smoked meat (Beef-Jerky)
- Smoked salmon with horseradish
- Kale Chips
- Hard boiled eggs
- Olives and thinly sliced salami
- Cheese rolls or small pieces of cheese
- Parmesan shavings
- Macadamia or Brazil nuts
- Keto-Smoothie with coconut milk, avocado and cocoa
- Guacamole with low-carb vegetables
- Half an avocado with chicken and cream fraiche
Even if these keto snacks can alleviate your hunger between meals, you should of course take care not to eat more than one or two snacks a day.
You should always make sure that you eat an appropriate number of calories in relation to your activity level, metabolism and goals.
Keto snacks should be high in fat and low in carbohydrates. Increase your intake of fiber and fats from vegetables and fatty dips.
Keto shopping list: How to find the right food
Preparation is half the battle in a ketogenic diet.
It is therefore important, especially in the first few days and weeks, that you always have enough keto foods within easy reach to avoid being tempted by carbohydrates and sugary snacks.
For example, you can store a mixture of fresh and frozen dishes and food in your kitchen. The following Keto Shopping List serves as a reference for your first Keto Shopping and ensures that you have purchased the ingredients for the above mentioned dishes of the diet plan:
- Avocados: Buy a mixture of mature and immature avocados.
- Fish: Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring are optimal.
- Eggs: Buy enough Omega-3-rich eggs from organic free-range farming
- Oils: Coconut and olive oil are part of the basic equipment of every ketarian.
- Nuts: You should never run out of Brazil nuts, almonds and pistachios.
- Seeds & Seeds: Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds and Chia Seeds
- Cheese: From Brie to cream cheese to goat cheese, everything is possible.
- Seafood: Sufficient shrimps, oysters or scallops.
- Full-fat dairy products: Yoghurt, butter, cream and sour cream
- Frozen or fresh berries: blueberries, raspberries and blackberries
- Vegetables: mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, paprika, onions and tomatoes
- Spices: Himalaya salt, pepper, herbs, garlic, mustard and spice mixes
In any case, it makes sense to include these foods in your ketogenic diet in the short or long term. The better you plan your meals and take care of your shopping early on, the better everything will work out.
A shopping list helps you keep keto-safe foods ready to use in meals or snacks. Fill your shopping basket with meat, fish, vegetables, nuts, avocados, healthy fats and full-fat dairy products.
In the optimal case, the nutritional values of your diet plan for the ketogenic diet consist of 75 percent healthy fats, 20 percent protein and a maximum of 5 percent carbohydrates.
Your goal should be to eat less than 30 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. You can do this by eating enough “High-Fat Low-Carb” foods such as eggs, meat, fish and low-carbohydrate vegetables.
The popularity of the ketogenic diet confirms the effectiveness in terms of your energy level, your health and sustainable fat reduction. On the other hand, there is an exciting and active community at Riseons as well as on the Internet that will help you with advice and action.
See this guide as a guide for the first days of ketogenic nutrition. If you stick to the dishes and foods discussed, you will soon be able to enjoy the innumerable benefits of ketosis. Good luck with that!